Search Results for: SN100C

Tin Germanium Master Alloy

Allows for easy introduction of high-temperature Germanium to much lower-melting temperature tin-based alloys. Using DKL Tin Germanium Master Alloy is a cost-effective method of introducing Ge to Tin-based alloys as using pure Ge may lead to solution and segregation issues. This Master alloy is used predominantly in mass production of high-grade electronic solders such as Tin Germanium Master Alloy

Tin Nickel Master Alloy

Allows for easy introduction of high-temperature Nickel to much lower-melting temperature Tin-based alloys. This Master alloy is used predominantly in mass production of high-grade electronic solders such as Nihon Superior SN100C (and the many imitations that have followed), and also some special grades of bearing (Babbitt) alloys for demanding applications. Our Tin Nickel Master Alloys Tin Nickel Master Alloy

Solder Paste PF-32g-FMQ

All of our solder pastes are given excellent print and reflow characteristics, tack life and stencil life. Our “current generation” products are detailed as below: DKL Paste PF-32G FMQ is a Lead-free, no clean, ready to use solder paste for air or Nitrogen reflow applications. DKL Paste PF-25 FMQ is a ready to use, Lead-free, Solder Paste PF-32g-FMQ

Custom Alloys

Low Melt Alloys Licensed Alloys Custom Alloys Low Melt Alloys DKL Metals offer a comprehensive range of fusible alloys, which owe their primary importance to the fact that they melt at a relatively low temperature. These alloys are mostly based on bismuth/tin/lead with, where required, the addition of indium, gallium and cadmium etc. Our standard low melt range Custom Alloys

Licensed Alloys

DKL Metals are the only UK licensed manufacturer with all three of the top-selling lead-free alloy systems in use worldwide: SN100C E-Qual 97TSC E-Qual 96TSC

Lead Free Bar

DKL Metals are the UK and Ireland’s licensed manufacturer for this unique stabilised tin-copper-nickel + germanium eutectic lead-free alloy system. SN100C has been in commercial production of printed circuit boards for over 11 years and SN100CL in hot air levelling for over 8 years throughout the world. It is recognised as amongst the most successful, Lead Free Bar

Solder Bar  

DKL manufacturer Solder Bar   Founded over 30 years ago, we’re recognised as the UK’s leading manufacturers of high purity solders and alloys. Our expert knowledge and experience of the industry allows us to meet it’s varying demands, and we are able to supply both industrial and electronic grade products in accordance with our approved Quality Management Solder Bar  

About Us

We are proud of our customer satisfaction policy to pursue the highest standards of quality and consistency. We believe it is important to satisfy the varied and exacting demands of the modern manufacturing industry. This is achieved by taking the greatest care in the selection of basic raw materials and imposing stringent quality control standards throughout each manufacturing stage. About Us